Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (2024)



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I am weighing the option of buying a new speaker. The choices have narrowed down to Wilson Alexx V and Rockport Orion. Has anyone had the chance to compare the two?


Sep 3, 2012
  • Dec 5, 2023
  • #2

I have not. I suspect it will be an epic comparison if someone could ever hear them in the same room same equipment. I have owned 4 Wilsons of the years Watt/Puppy (6 & 8) and MAXX (2 and 3). I traded the Maxx 3 for Rockport Altairs. Really loved the Rockports in comparison to the Maxx 3. Since I have upgrade to Rockport Lyra's.

Good luck with your choice !

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (2)


Hyperion and Chpray


Jan 23, 2011
Amsterdam holland
  • Dec 5, 2023
  • #3

I heard the Orion in 2 rooms this year in munich .
Based on what i heard there id say its not on lyra level but certainly better then Wilson alexx .

But set up and pairing is everything off course , in my opinion the orion is a more coherent design then Wilson .
Better set up could give the orion the clear advantage , to me sonically and technically rockport has much more system potential
In this price range kharma exquisite is a must hear.

Rockport orion has great curves giving it a very spacious sound.
Wilson sounds like a stacked pair of drivers in comparison

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (4)


byrdparis and Chpray


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I would recommend the Marten Septets in this price range Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (6) That said, I have heard both of these speakers many times at dealers and shows and second the above: Rockport. Though it is subjective, I also find them far more attractive to look at.

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  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (7)


Hyperion, Down Under and Chpray



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jfrech said:

I have not. I suspect it will be an epic comparison if someone could ever hear them in the same room same equipment. I have owned 4 Wilsons of the years Watt/Puppy (6 & 8) and MAXX (2 and 3). I traded the Maxx 3 for Rockport Altairs. Really loved the Rockports in comparison to the Maxx 3. Since I have upgrade to Rockport Lyra's.

Good luck with your choice !

Wow. Lyra is definitely at the top of the pinnacle. I hope that I will get there someday.

What are the attributes that make you prefer Rockports over the Wilson Maxx 3 at the time of your decision? I know that both brands are technically very strong.

  • Dec 5, 2023
  • #6

andromedaaudio said:

I heard the Orion in 2 rooms this year in munich .
Based on what i heard there id say its not on lyra level but certainly better then Wilson alexx .

But set up and pairing is everything off course , in my opinion the orion is a more coherent design then Wilson .
Better set up could give the orion the clear advantage , to me sonically and technically rockport has much more system potential
In this price range kharma exquisite is a must hear.

Rockport orion has great curves giving it a very spacious sound.
Wilson sounds like a stacked pair of drivers in comparison

Thanks! Your advice is definitely helpful. One question, the frequency response of the Orion would only goes up to 25kHz, do you hear any limitations to the highs?



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Sampajanna said:

I would recommend the Marten Septets in this price range Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (8) That said, I have heard both of these speakers many times at dealers and shows and second the above: Rockport. Though it is subjective, I also find them far more attractive to look at.

I have heard the Marten Septets at shows. It is a totally different sounding speaker than the Wilson and the Rockport. The highs are mesmerising but it may not be as versatile in playing different kinds of music.


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Oct 3, 2011
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  • #8

Chpray said:

Thanks! Your advice is definitely helpful. One question, the frequency response of the Orion would only goes up to 25kHz, do you hear any limitations to the highs?

In what way would you consider 25kHz an upper limitation in frequency?

"Humans can detect sounds in a frequency range from about 20 Hz to 20 kHz. (Human infants can actually hear frequencies slightly higher than 20 kHz, but lose some high-frequency sensitivity as they mature; the upper limit in average adults is often closer to 15–17 kHz.)"

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK10924/

I'm very biased towards Rockport (being their representative in Sweden), but if you look deeper into the ambition, technology and craftsmanship behind these speakers where everything is bespoke, combined with the perfect balance in between hi-fi and musicality, they're a true stand out option within this category on todays market in my opinion.

/ Marcus, www.perfect-sense.se

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (10)


Chpray and Johan K


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Apr 7, 2018
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I prefer the Alexx to any of the Rockport speakers but mine as well as all others here are totally subjective opinions. I considered the Rockport speakers before I purchased Alexx but for me the Alexx just sounded more natural and open especially in the midrange. I also felt Alexx was more dynamic and more like live music. Again just my opinions. Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (12)

To be clear though the Rockports are really good too and I could see those with a different personal preference liking them better. You really need to listen and even if they aren't in the same room the voicing of the speakers should shine through enough for you to be able to hear which way you are leaning at least. Good luck and have fun!


  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (13)





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Hyperion said:

In what way would you consider 25kHz an upper limitation in frequency?

"Humans can detect sounds in a frequency range from about 20 Hz to 20 kHz. (Human infants can actually hear frequencies slightly higher than 20 kHz, but lose some high-frequency sensitivity as they mature; the upper limit in average adults is often closer to 15–17 kHz.)"

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK10924/

I'm very biased towards Rockport (being their representative in Sweden), but if you look deeper into the ambition, technology and craftsmanship behind these speakers where everything is bespoke, combined with the perfect balance in between hi-fi and musicality, they're a true stand out option within this category on todays market in my opinion.

/ Marcus, www.perfect-sense.se

Thanks for the insights.

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (14)





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gadawg58 said:

I prefer the Alexx to any of the Rockport speakers but mine as well as all others here are totally subjective opinions. I considered the Rockport speakers before I purchased Alexx but for me the Alexx just sounded more natural and open especially in the midrange. I also felt Alexx was more dynamic and more like live music. Again just my opinions. Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (15)

To be clear though the Rockports are really good too and I could see those with a different personal preference liking them better. You really need to listen and even if they aren't in the same room the voicing of the speakers should shine through enough for you to be able to hear which way you are leaning at least. Good luck and have fun!


I have listened to both speakers at the dealer and both are exceptional. That's why they are the finalists. It is really a tough choice for me.

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (16)


jfrech, gadawg58 and Hyperion


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What can you tell us about the rest of your system as well as your room/acoustics?

/ Marcus, www.perfect-sense.se


Jan 23, 2011
Amsterdam holland
  • Dec 6, 2023
  • #13

Chpray said:

Thanks! Your advice is definitely helpful. One question, the frequency response of the Orion would only goes up to 25kHz, do you hear any limitations to the highs?

No its absolutely no problem , consider your self lucky if your able to hear above 15 -16 khz .
Tweeters going up to 30 40 100 khz is merely a marketing issue.

Off course to give a better perspective you need to have the " min 3 db " number at for example 16 or 20 khz .
The show conditions in which they were placed weren t optimal , difficult to say

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  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (19)





May 16, 2023
  • Dec 6, 2023
  • #14

I have heard both the Orion and the XVX (not the AlexxV) in the same room with the same equipment. The Orion in my opinion is the better overall speaker. When Peter set up the XVX they had a demo. Josh a few months later set up the Orions in the same room. As explained in an Audiogon post by an attendee there were maybe 8 men who heard both demos. ALL 8 preferred the Orions. Everyone I’ve talked to at the store (and they sell both) would by Orions over Alexx V. And they verified the Audiogon post about preferring Orion to XVX. So that’s maybe 12/12 people who would buy Orions not just compared to Alexx V but compared to XVX! Also the Lyra are not definitely better than Orion. I’ve heard both extensively including in Rockports own listening room. The Lyra is quieter and has a springier upper/mid bass. The Orions new drivers including the 13 inch woofer are amazing and couple to the room differently. Which you prefer is up to you but you have to actually hear it first. Everyone has their own tastes and things that make them happy. The better speaker is the one that makes YOU happier. No one can answer that for you.I’m just relaying what I know about other people’s preferences. You might disagree and that’s fine.

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (20)


gds7368, sujay, QuadDiffuser and 5 others



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Hyperion said:


What can you tell us about the rest of your system as well as your room/acoustics?

/ Marcus, www.perfect-sense.se

I am using emmlabs as source and DAC, audionet scientist series amps. My room size is around 400 sqft.

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (21)





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andromedaaudio said:

No its absolutely no problem , consider your self lucky if your able to hear above 15 -16 khz .
Tweeters going up to 30 40 100 khz is merely a marketing issue.

Off course to give a better perspective you need to have the " min 3 db " number at for example 16 or 20 khz .
The show conditions in which they were placed weren t optimal , difficult to say

Thanks for the clarification.



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JiminGa said:

I have heard both the Orion and the XVX (not the AlexxV) in the same room with the same equipment. The Orion in my opinion is the better overall speaker. When Peter set up the XVX they had a demo. Josh a few months later set up the Orions in the same room. As explained in an Audiogon post by an attendee there were maybe 8 men who heard both demos. ALL 8 preferred the Orions. Everyone I’ve talked to at the store (and they sell both) would by Orions over Alexx V. And they verified the Audiogon post about preferring Orion to XVX. So that’s maybe 12/12 people who would buy Orions not just compared to Alexx V but compared to XVX! Also the Lyra are not definitely better than Orion. I’ve heard both extensively including in Rockports own listening room. The Lyra is quieter and has a springier upper/mid bass. The Orions new drivers including the 13 inch woofer are amazing and couple to the room differently. Which you prefer is up to you but you have to actually hear it first. Everyone has their own tastes and things that make them happy. The better speaker is the one that makes YOU happier. No one can answer that for you.I’m just relaying what I know about other people’s preferences. You might disagree and that’s fine.

That is saying a lot. Your information is very valuable.

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (22)





May 16, 2023
  • Dec 7, 2023
  • #18

I like Wilson speakers and I’ve heard XVX and Alexia V extensively. Not the Alexx V. I also understand that despite the experiences I relayed to you others could come to the opposite conclusion. These speakers do not sound the same (obviously) but both are thoughtful well made products. I think they may come at things from different angles for different consumer tastes. You’ve got to listen for yourself and I would also recommend that you call and speak to Josh or Jon at Rockport and someone at Wilson to better understand why they do what they do. When you listen you will be better informed about why you are hearing what you are hearing which adds another layer of interest to this amazing hobby. The whole point is for you to be happy even if no one else agrees with your choices.

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (23)




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Dont want to derail the thread, but I listen to a VERY (very, very) eclectic range of music—from electronic to Indian classical, metal to soft vocal jazz—and my Martens have never, ever let me down in any way….

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  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (25)




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Mar 28, 2017
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I am not sure where the OP lives but here is an idea. Fly to Toronto. Go to Audio Excellence and listen to the Wilsons then go to American Sound and listen to the rockports. You can also sample some other great speakers while there. I am sure you could negotiate that they would cover the cost of your trip if you buy a pair.

You also get to explore a great city with fantastic food.

  • Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (27)


FW Wong, thomask and Chpray

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Wilson Alexx V vs Rockport Orion (2024)
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