Chapter Text
As Obanai revealed his half demon identity at the hashira meeting, Sanemi stood up as everyone watched carefully.
“What the $%@#.There's a thousand of these half demons roaming around in human bodies!” Sanemi shouted as Mitsuri stood in front of Obanai.
“So what if Snake face is a half demon. I’m a half demon too you know and all of you didn’t consider kicking me out of the corps.” Inosuke said in Obanai’s defense.
“You never knew about your true nature while I did and I wasn’t honest about it in fear of being killed or looked down upon. This is a different dilemma and I'm sorry for everything.” Obanai said to keep the mixed views on Inosuke away.
“I knew that Inosuke and Obanai were half demons from the start. I saw that in the transparent world that Obanai’s organs were not the same as everyone else’s. At first I was concerned about this information, but as I saw their devotion to our cause and decided to wait until Obanai and Inosuke said something about it.” Gyomei told the other hashira. At the end of the meeting the hashira agreed that Obanai should stay a hashira due to his loyalty.
“The other half demons. Do you think any of them could help us in our fight against Muzan?” Muichrio asked while Tamayo’s crow flew in.
“Not likely. Those who aren’t aligned with Muzan are most likely afraid to reveal themselves to the public.” Zenitsu said as Tamayo entered HQ.
“I’m sorry for the interruption, but the upper moon 1 was spotted at mount Fuji.” Tamayo said as the room went quiet until Gyomei stood up.
“Inosuke, Muichrio, Nezuko, you 3 are best suited for areas of high altitude. I would bring Tanjiro but he has taken Senjuro under his wing and is preoccupied with training the young boy.” Gyomei told the 3 as they prepared to climb the mountain.
“What’s up with the big guy?” Inosuke asked Muichrio.
“He’s been a hashira before any of the others joined the corps. He’s the captain of the hashira for a reason he is the strongest hashira, even without the mark none of us can match his strength.” Muichrio told the half demon.
In 3 days, the group reach the mountain and began to climb it.
Meanwhile Tanjiro begins teaching Senjuro to master his breathing style.
“Sun breathing is the most similar form to flame breathing meaning that the fires emitted by those styles mimic solar absorption and redirect it towards demons. In order to gain more strength you must fight an opponent that has strength beyond your capabilities which is why sparing is the best way to improve skills.” Tanjiro instructed Senjuro as they drew training swords.
Back at the mountain, Inosuke was showing off a new breathing style he created by infusing his ice blood art with beast breathing.
“Observe underlings.” Inosuke proclaimed as Nezuko and Muichrio looked in confusion.
“Ice breathing 1st form, frozen icebreaker.” One powerful strike that shatters the cellular structure of large demons, aimed towards the spine.
Ice breathing 2nd form, winter wrath.” Inosuke rotates so fast that he moves like a spin dash while holding his swords, he uses this to ram through demons and to ensure a better chance of decapitation when hitting a demon.
“Ice breathing 3rd form, frozen summit.” Inosuke can use the frozen winds to pull demons closer to him like a magnet, then he decapitates the demons when they get close enough.
“Ice breathing 4th form, silent avalanche.” Inosuke enters the selfless state and lands 100 strikes on a demon without making a sound in 1 second.
“Ice breathing 5th form, hailstorm crash.” Inosuke destroys all the ice he created to cause spikes of ice to fall down upon his enemies from the sky.
Ice breathing 6th form, mighty icicle dragon.” Similar to the 10th form of water breathing, this move creates a constant striking movement for long battles.
“Ice breathing 7th form, frozen wolf fangs.” The slice and dice move with the strikes paralyzing demon movements.
“Ice breathing 8th form, Thin ice dance.” This form increases the user's speed by making their movements feel like sliding across ice while the user strikes multiple targets in quick succession.
“Ice breathing 9th form, winter gale blizzard.” A force of a snow storm is used to attack demons from all sides inflicting heavy damage.
“Ice breathing 10th form, crystalized snowflakes.”1,000 Ice arrows constructs to attack demon necks from a long distance.
“Ice breathing 11th form, arctic destruction.” Inosuke creates ice clones of himself (Max 6) by cutting himself and bleeding out. These clones have the same skills as the original and can last for 24 hours.
“Ice breathing 12th form, sleeping tundra.” 10 buddha ice structures form to completely freeze the movements of demons.
“Ice breathing 13th form, falling snow.” Inosuke creates ice shields around himself and his friends. These shields have the durability of Palladium microalloy glass (The strongest substance on earth).
Ice breathing 14th form, Abyss.” Can only be used when demon slayer mark is in use, Inosuke can create a giant ice meteor the size of Tokyo by swirling his swords in circles to gather up enough blood to form the construct. Then he launches the meteor at the desired target.
“Ice breathing 15th form, Frostbite.” Inosuke’s swords were reforged with Douma’s blade fans to increase the striking force and to inject Inosuke’s blood that he can control by thought into demon bodies which turns the demon’s cell into pure ice, freezing it forever.
At the mountain's summit a large group of demons awaited the hashira. When they reached the top a demon the size of Mount Fuji appeared with upper 4 eyes.
“So Muzan really is just giving out blood and ranks out of desperation these days. I guess we really put a dent in his ego.” Muichrio said to agitate the demons.
“Water breathing 3rd form, flowing dance.” Nezuko quickly decapitated the weaker demons as Gyomei went to fight the mountain demon.
“Mist breathing 4th form, sea of clouds and haze.” Muichrio took quick work of his opponents while Inosuke rushed in to help Gyomei.
“What the hell is that thing?” Inosuke shouted at the stone hashira. The mountain demon tried to smas the hashira but Gyomei pinned the beast down in one blow. Then Inosuke unleashed his power.
“Stone breathing 5th form, pillars of justice.” “Ice breathing 12th form, sleeping tundra.” Inosuke used his demon powers to freeze the mountain demon so that Gyomei could finish it off in one powerful swing.
Inosuke smashed through the training hall roof to meet up with Tanjiro who was training Senjuro.
“You won’t believe what that big guy can do Kampachrio!” Inosuke shouted while frightening the Kocho triplets who were watching Senjuro.
“Inosuke! Can you for once just use a door! Also you're scaring everyone, you're a hashira now and you need to act better around the other corp members!” Tanjro said to Inosuke who began to ramble on nonsense for hours.
Meanwhile the thunder hashira rushed towards Nezuko when she returned from the mountain.
“Not now Zenitsu, I need to report something to Tamayo.” Nezuko said as Zenitsu held up a photograph of him and a city girl.
“Nezuko, I….. I got engaged to a daughter of a high and rich noble family.” Zenitsu told Nezuko with happiness overflowing. Nezuko stood dumbfounded at the information.
“HAHAHAHAHAHA!hahaha…… Oh crap, you're serious.” Nezuko said as she realized the honesty in the blonde’s voice.
“How the hell did you pull that off in 2 months?” Nezuko asked the blonde.
“Well, after I killed the snake demon in Tokyo, one of the noble families saw me fight and believed that I was a samurai. They offered one of their daughters to me in marriage if I helped them rebuild the entertainment district where 25% of their money case from and I also need to teach their sons thunder breathing. The girl says that she is fine being with me and that I make delicious rice cakes.” Zenitsu explained as he told more about his finance named Yuri.
“Congrats Zenitsu, it’s still hard to believe that you of all people are getting married. You know that those married to nobility can take on multiple harems like Tengen does.” Nezuko told the thunder hashira who is uncontrollably blushing.
A week later, Giyu meets with Nezuko and Tanjiro at his home to catch up on their lives.
“Shinobu came by earlier and presented a scale of the hashira and their Tsguko based on their potential and strength going forward, from strongest to weakest.” Giyu told the Kamado twins.
“What are the ranks at now?” Tanjiro asked with Nezuko. Giyu gave the twins the ranking of the hashira.
1: Gyomei (stone hashira).
2:Sanemi (Wind hashira).
3: Giyu ( water hashira).
4: Tanjiro Kamado (Sun hashira).
5:Nezuko Kamado (Eclipse hashira).
6: Muichrio (Mist hashira).
7: Inosuke (Beast hashira).
8: Zenitsu (Thunder hashira).
9: Obanai (Serpent hashira).
10: Mitsuri (Love hashira)
11: Kanao (Flower hashira).
12:Senjuro: (Potential flame hashira).
13: Genya (Breathless hashira).
14: Tengen (sound hashira).
15: Shinobu (Insect hashira).
(To imagine that Gyomei hasn’t unlocked his mark and is still the strongest hashira.) Tanjiro thought as Giyu walked away. Nezuko saw a tear going down Giyu’s face and followed him.
“Is everything okay Giyu, I know your the quiet type but you seem well off.” Nezuko said as Giyu sat down near a river with the Kamado twins following. As they looked across the woods and beauty around them the water hashira began to speak.
“You two remind me of my brother and sister.” Giyu said as the Kamado twins stood in silence as they couldn’t believe that Giyu was talking about his past.
“You have family!” The twins shouted in shock. “I had a family.” Giyu replied as he began to feed the nearby ducks bread crumbs.
“We were orphaned after our parents were killed by demons. So after Urokodaki took us as his students and trained us to become demon slayers. Sabito and Makomo always had more natural talent for water breathing from the beginning and I always believed that Sabito would become the next water hashira.
Then final selection came. After the test was finished only 2 of the 20 participants died. Those two were Sabito and Makomo. They made sure that everyone else survived final selection, and they died protecting me, their kid brother. Truth is, I don’t deserve to be a hashira, I failed everyone that was close to me. I’m nothing but scum.” Giyu said as his self hatred and depression was seen.
Tanjiro then stepped in and snapped Giyu out of his lonely trance.
“Don’t say things like that! Because of you, me and Nezuko were able to join the demon slayers. You helped us learn about the breathing styles and saved us from Rui. Your skills helped us become hashira and because you saved us, only one upper moon demon remains and the demon slayer marks are reawakened for everyone. So don’t say your a burden because you are the reason we got this far and we will always carry your will in our hearts.” Tanjiro told Giyu as he and Nezuko hugged the water hashira.
Giyu began to cry as he saw the will of his brother and sister {Sabito, and Makomo} in the Kamado twins.
“Tanjiro, Nezuko, Thank you.” Giyu said as he smiled for the first time in years.
The next day Tamayo announced that due to a majority of demons going into hiding in fear of marked slayers, the hashira will be devoting their time to train the rest of the slayers.
“Whatever comes next we stand together, right.” Nezuko said as she and Tanjiro watched the sunset.