Alphas - Chapter 14 - Androsgail (2024)

Chapter Text

The red ball sails towards the ceiling then falls with grace. Naruto catches it. He throws it again. Laying on the fluffy bed, he waits. The soft duvet smells of rose perfume, a lovely scent that makes his lids heavy, but he can’t rest. There is a steady ticking sound within his mind. A mind awash by hard questions so he struggles to focus on the present. He catches the ball and holds it.

“How long do we have to wait? Feels like it’s been 30 years already. Know what I mean?”

“Stop complaining.” Sasuke says. The Uchiha sits on the other bed like a prince on a throne. If Naruto tries to hold that position, he’ll topple over. Sasuke makes it look so easy to keep one’s feelings in check. What a showoff.

“Think they got the message?’

“Stop talking,” Sasuke shuts his eyes and grumbles to himself.

Naruto grabs a pillow and searches for loose threads. When he finds one, he plucks it. “I can’t keep quiet when my girl could be in danger.”

This time, Sasuke chuckles, flipping him off. “Your girl? Keep dreaming, dead last.”

Naruto grins at his best friend and rival. Sasuke has no clue how close he is to overtaking him. So, Naruto will dream about his future wife, but only for a little longer. “My father could be in this very city. Working at this hotel. Probably owns it.”

Sasuke keeps his eyes closed yet turns towards him. Listening.

“Wanna help me look for him? Of course not, that’s pure foolishness. Danzo will skin you alive then scatter your bones on the doorstep of the Uchiha den.” Naruto tries to laugh but he feels a painful knot in his chest, working its way into his throat. His eyes prickle. Why does he keep talking?

“Mother misses him a lot. Can’t look at me without saying I have his eyes and wild hair. I think she wants me to miss him too. But that’s weird. How can I feel attached to someone I’ve never met? Man, it gets stranger. I have nightmares where I find my father. He’s always on the moon cooking ramen.”

Sasuke eyes him. What?

“I’d climb up this ladder of pork cutlets but when I reach the top, he chases me away. Calling me a disappointment and a waste of a son.” The memory stings and his voice drops to a hollow mumble. That part of the dream felt too real. “I couldn’t even protect mother that night, when those…,” Naruto catches a whiff of lavender. It’s calming. In a trance, he slides off the bed, stepping softly across the room.

“What are you talking about?” Sasuke says.

“Hun?” Naruto forgot Sasuke was there. “You won’t understand.” I would rather forget that horrible night ever happened. It was the longest night of his life. No child should witness their mother being raped. Over. And over. Her broken screams are still fresh in his ears, a constant stab in his heart. Being a child, Naruto wasn’t strong enough to protect her.

“It’s a long story. I’d hate to bore his majesty.” Sasuke’s grimace is a welcome sight.

“Do you have a photo of your father?”

Naruto shakes his head. “You know, dad must have been something special to make mother fall madly in love with him. They don’t call her the wild habanero for nothing. She used to beat up all her suitors.”

“I heard she almost denounced her family.” Sasuke says.

“She did. But the elders said if she didn’t return, they’ll kill her human. So, she came back to the pack with an abomination in her stomach.” The scent grows stronger. Naruto yanks open the door. Caught eavesdropping, Hinata scampers away but Naruto runs her down and scoops her up, books and all. He kicks the door shut.

When Hinata speaks up Naruto freezes. She never says much to him. In fact, she looks bothered whenever he comes around. Face bright red and avoiding eye contact. So, when her voice rings clear, warm breath fanning his face, Naruto has to listen.

“What are you two doing in here?” Hinata says.

Sasuke walks over. “Humph. You should feel honored. We wanted to make sure you girls are safe since you’re all so weak-hearted.”

Hinata gives him a tired stare.

Naruto watches the door. Expecting Sakura and Ino to burst in and give him a good scolding for breaking into their room.

“Sakura and Ino are on the way.” Hinata says. She smells good. Really good. Naruto sniffs her hair, hoping she won’t notice. Ah, pleasant lavender.

“Anyway, thanks,” Sasuke says. “If not for you, Toneri would have told Kakashi the truth.” Then Sasuke frowns at her, “What is it? Naruto!”

“Oh, sorry!” He sets Hinata down and she puts distance between them, brushing herself off. He got her upset again. But who can blame him for wanting to keep something that smells like heaven in his arms.

“Sasuke, I believe Mr. Ōtsutsuki would have still lied to cover himself.”

That disturbs Sasuke. “You saw what that vampire was up to?”

“I also saw what you did?”

Naruto looks between the two. What are they talking about? Did Toneri do something wrong? And he fears asking anything for he’s already on her bad side. He watches her go to the bathroom. Hears the shower. A different face comes to mind.

Where’s Sakura?


Susanoo café gave Izumi a second purpose and a second home in this strange city. Now, this place will become her coffin. Ghosts from her past whisper over her hair, snuffing out the light the air with crippling dread. Chains scrape along the ground, but there’s nothing there. In her mind’s eye, a golden thick collar clicks around Sakura’s thin neck. She tries to claw the wretched thing off, but every bone in her hands is broken and raw. The bed becomes sodden and crimson. Izumi pleads with the girl, she can’t live with herself if she allows bird to walk into the trap.

“Sakura, run. Pin Brook is a beautiful lie. A well-kept prison. The enemy to freedom.”

Sakura backs into the wall. “Izumi, you’re seeing through tainted glass.’

Shino sits and nibbles on a macaroon, “I must agree with Sakura, the pack can’t be all bad.”

“How about this? Izumi, you stay here, and Shino can go back home.”

Izumi darts to Shino’s side, wrapping her arms around him. “That’s not happening.” Is it too late to save this bird? She wants to take her brother back to that place. The words come out harsher than intended. “Sakura, you’re not thinking straight. What you’re suggesting is suicide. It’s mad.”

The kitchen door opens. “Izumi, what’s taking so long for you to bring in the dishes?”

She sweats. “Minato? Umm...” Please. Please. I pray he didn’t overhear anything.

“Who’s this?”

Izumi blinks in surprise, then smiles but faking hurts. “Oh, she’s Sakura. Shino’s friend. Sakura, this is Minato. Our cook, baker, barista – everything! If you want delicious food, call Minato.”

Sakura waves, it’s as stiff as Izumi’s smile. “Your macaroons were delicious.”

Minato nods. He checks his watch. “It’s nearly 9, Izumi. Let’s close up.”

Outside, the heavy dark presses on the windows. If she stays any longer, the windows might shatter, and the dark will smother her.

With Shino’s and Sakura’s help, they work fast. Clearing tables and moping the floor. Suddenly, the music channel switches to breaking news. Izumi ignores the media. I want to leave. While Izumi wipes down the last table, Sakura’s phone rings.


“Get back to the hotel.”

Sakura looks concerned. Izumi watches her pull Shino aside, slip him a piece of paper and whisper. There is arrogance in her voice that grates on Izumi’s nerves. Sakura has too much faith in the pack.

Get lost.

Sakura hugs him before leaving.

Don’t come back.


Every evening, old man Yuko watches the news. He slouches on the couch, drinking beer. Something unusual has happened. Yuko snorts, unimpressed. “A lion attack? This city is getting crazy. Too much fast food.” Another swing of beer. Burp. “Ah, good stuff.”

A shadow passes by the window. From deep inside the kitchen, something crashes. When there’s a hiss followed by a second crash, Yuko investigates. He limps to the dark kitchen and hits the lights. His cat lies on the cold floor, neck bent at an odd angle. Dead.

His voice trembles and cracks. “Mr. Mittens, what happened to you?” Water droplets hit his skull. Yuko wipes and discovers his fingers are stained red. Blood?

He looks up. A monster grins back at him. Before he can scream in terror, the monster rips out his throat, drops down and feasts.


They’re leaving.

Sakura hides behind a giant artificial plant in the middle of the lobby. She peeks around, trying to understand why she sees what she sees. Anko barks orders under a miserable atmosphere; classmates carry, drag and push their luggage out to the bus, faces taut with frustration. Disgruntled murmurs and heated whispers add to the bustle of the lobby. Kakashi’s on the phone, maybe talking to the higher ups.

What happened?

She jumps when someone pulls her aside, but it’s just Ino who pants like a dog. Her friend looks worn out. Forehead covered in sweat, hair in disarray, her change of clothes clash. If Ino lets go, she’ll fall over.

“Where have you been? You weren’t answering my calls. I thought they got you.” Ino speaks fast, eyes wild and watchful. She glances over her shoulder. “Kenta did something stupid. Let’s not talk here.”

From the second-floor balcony, Kakashi watches the girls get on the old elevator. At this rate, they can leave in thirty minutes. The pups are in their feelings, but what he says goes. And not everyone has been honest.


Ino sniffs her then pins her with a sharp look. “Where have you been?”

This again. Sakura rolls her eyes. “I met – I was out sightseeing. This city has some charming old buildings. Maybe, when we come here again, I’ll take you to see them.” How long is this hallway?

Ino stops and growls at her. “Sakura.”

Sakura hums. Just drop it already.

“I caught a new scent on you. I don’t remember anyone in the pack with that scent. But it’s familiar somehow.”

Sakura bites her lips. There’s the vending machine. Almost there.

Ino blocks her way. She rages. “I covered for you! Told the teachers you’re in the room, with a headache, sleeping. Not lost in Konoha city!”

Sakura inches by, holding fast to the lie. “Like I said, I was sightseeing.”

“Does our friendship mean anything? If it does, Sakura, then the least you could do is be honest.”

Her control starts to slip, then buckles. The name flies out and Sakura would give anything to take it back. “I saw Shino! Okay!”

“Who? Make me understand, Sakura.”

Just then, the door pops open. Hinata looks at them, guarded. She must have overheard their argument but refrains from prying. Sakura appreciates the consideration. Hinata seems to be made up of thorns and Sakura hates getting pricked.

Once they enter, someone else shuts the door and asks, “Who’s Shino?”

Sakura stumbles back, “Naruto?”

“Sasuke’s here, too,” says Ino.

Sitting on the bed, Sasuke tests out the name. Ringing up his memory. “Shi…no. Hmm?”

“Look guys, I need to pack.”

Ino snatches her suitcase, “Not so fast, forehead. You’re explaining yourself right here, right now.”

“Who’s Shino?” Naruto says. “Do I know him? Is he your cousin or something?”

Sakura wants to scream. Leave me alone. “Fine! I met this nice boy, Sean. Yes, his name is Sean, Naruto. He showed me around the city. We had dinner. The end. Happy? Now, can I have my suitcase back?”

A warm nose tickles her neck and Sakura slaps the spot, hitting nothing but her skin. Sasuke drops on the bed, displeasure and impatience swirls within his dark eyes as he studies her. Then he stares at some spot far away. “Shino. Izumi’s brother. He’s around our age.”

His confidence sucks out all the fight left in Sakura. How does he know that?

Both Ino and Naruto struggle to follow the conversation. Swapping baffled gestures with each other. “Who’s Izumi?” Naruto makes silly faces at Sakura. She can’t answer. She can’t smile.

Hinata picks up a souvenir box, a cute figurine of a sleeping red fox rests inside. She’s soft spoken. So, when she talks, her sweet voice arrests everyone’s attention. “She and her brother left the pack years ago. Exiles. She was also Itachi’s mate.”

Sasuke cuts her a warning look. Hinata keeps talking. “If they return, they will be killed or worse – imprisoned.”

Sasuke snatches her souvenir box and shuts her suitcase. “Enough.”

Lavender eyes harden, undaunted. She challenges him. “It’s the truth.”

He zips up the suitcase with such force it’s a wonder the zipper never broke. “Well, I like you better when your lips aren’t moving.”

What happens next surprises Sakura. Hinata pouts at him, cute as a baby panda. And black eyes soften, Sasuke hides a sly grin.

Suddenly uncomfortable, Sakura looks away before the sight breaks her heart.

Naruto hops around while snapping his fingers as if he’d solved a great mystery. They look at him. “I remember now! Bug boy! That’s who Shino is.” Proud of himself, Naruto throws himself on the bed between Ino and Hinata. And in doing so, he drops right on the remote. The TV clicks on.

“Hours after a pride of lions escapes from the Tora International Zoo, a second victim has been discovered. I’m Jessica Morgan, live on the scene where the gruesome lion attack occurred. Authorities are actively searching for those animals and have advised residents of the San Juan area to remain indoors. They’re asking anyone with information to come forward. Zoo officials also said that if you spot the pride, do not approach the animals. We don’t want a repeat of this tragedy. Viewer discretion is advised.” The reporter steps aside, revealing the dead horse on the street. Half of its lacerated body eaten, its blinders, decorative harness, bit and little top hat soaked in blood. A carriage horse.

Naruto stands. Not a trace of merriment on his face. “We need to go.”

Sasuke nods. “Kakashi gave us a job. The girls are safe. We can’t waste another second.”

The boys rush them out of the room, down to the lobby then on to the bus. They even loaded their bags. It is time when the bus sneaks out of the disturbed city; Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke are not on it.

Alphas - Chapter 14 - Androsgail (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.